About Us

Burlesque Beardies strives to provide dogs who are consummate examples of this wonderful breed. Health and temperament are primary concerns, wrapped in a package that exemplifies strong breed type. Puppies are available to approved homes. We produce pups who excel in the conformation ring as well as at herding, agility and as an ideal family pet.
Beardies have been a part of our lives for over 12 years. We were lucky enough to stumble upon this wonderful breed when our daughter Laura, at 10 years old, announced she wanted a beardie to replace our pound puppy who had gone on to the bridge.
The addition of that first beardie led to Laura’s involvement in 4-H obedience and conformation. Soon we had added our first “show dog” and then the famous beardie adage about being like potato chips – “you can’t have just one” – kicked in!
When we decided we were serious about this new part of our life, my background in science led me to thoroughly research the possibility of adding a foundation bitch to our home. That research led us to a very special friend – Wendy Smith of Thymewinds Kennel in Britain. We loved Wendy’s dogs, and equally important, we knew Wendy would be a great mentor for us. So, after waiting for just the right girl, Rhiannon entered our lives and they have never been the same.
In the years since we have been blessed by friendships with some wonderful breeders and puppy owners. As we look to breed our girls it is important to know that we can have a relationship with the stud dog owner in addition to adding their lines to our pedigrees. From them, we have learned an immense amount and watched our lines grow and improve with each successive generation. This is a labor of love for us and has brought us life long friends like Wendy and Mick Smith; Beth Tilson – Highlander Bearded Collies; Tom and the late Ann Dixon – Strathearn Bearded Collies; Elba Bruno Magnasco – Rebano Escoces Beardies of Argentina; and our best friends and show buddies, Larry and Debby Furlow – Sweetwater Bearded Collies.